Adhesion Pull Testing is used to determine the strength of the installed adhesion material. When floor, wall, or ceiling systems start to fail, this test can rule out whether the adhesion is the issue, or if there is a deeper problem within the substrate. This testing is also used to assess the performance of recently installed products and confirm compliance with specifications.
Adhesion Pull Testing prevents additional costs and delays due to floor adhesive failures. If the substrate system has failed, understanding the cause is the first place to start when remediating the issue. Pull Strength Tests determine whether there was a manufacturing defect, installation issue, or the base concrete failed.
On various construction projects, knowing if the installed adhesive material will cause future failures or if it is possible to reuse and overlay the existing system is a great way to save on costs. We can also assist in the selection of the best type of adhesive product compatible with the intended substrate and overlay system. Owners, architects, general contractors, and contractors are among many of the professionals who benefit from Moore Engineering Services’ Adhesion Testing services and consulting expertise.
While most useful during a refurbishing project where an overlay of existing material can save significant cost of demolition, Adhesion Pull Testing can be done during any stage of a project but is best executed early for the benefit of value engineering.
Standards in the industry have long defined the procedures for evaluating the pull-off strength of a coating on concrete such as the ASTM D7234 Standard Test Method for Pull-Off Adhesion Strength of Coatings on Concrete Using Portable Pull-Off Adhesion Testers, as well as fiber reinforced polymer systems bonded to concrete (ASTM D7522/D7522M Standard Test Method for Pull-Off Strength for FRP Laminate Systems Bonded to Concrete or Masonry Substrates). ASTM C1583 Tensile Testing for Concrete Surfaces is used to evaluate the necessary surface preparation of concrete surfaces before repairing or applying an overlay.
Relying on these standards and utilizing state-of-the-art Elcometer and DeFlesko Adhesion Pull-Off testers, a diamond tipped hole saw is used to drill a small cut into the floor, wall, or ceiling material to be tested. The substrate is adhered by epoxy to a dolly which is then pulled with increasing force until the system fails. This failure determines the weakest link in the system and is characterized by a resulting pressure at failure in pounds per square inch. Typically a 50mm diameter dolly is used, but this can vary depending on the test.

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