
“The Instant Problem-Solver” – Moore Engineering Welcomes Keith Brown

In June 2024, Keith Brown, tech enthusiast and software developer, joined Moore Engineering Services. Starting with a degree in Computer Science, Brown honed his skills over the years to work with web technologies, hardware design technologies, 3D printing, Galvo laser design, architecture, and robotics to serve in back-end development and project leadership roles. Brown’s innovation is a great fit for Moore Engineering Services, and we are excited for his development in a new endeavor: Sidewalk [...]

Be Wary of Franchises: Can We Franchise Safety?

Franchising a business seems like a wonderful opportunity—for both the franchisor and franchisee. Both parties get an opportunity for increased revenue streams while the franchisor builds brand awareness. But what happens when franchising puts the public’s safety at risk? Recognizable brands like McDonald’s or The UPS Store offer franchise opportunities, but smaller, lesser-known businesses also try to take advantage of the potential benefits from this expanding enterprise venture. Although driven entrepreneurs may jump at the [...]

June 18th, 2024|Categories: Moore Engineering Services|0 Comments

Consensus Standards or Bust: A Discussion on the Value of Standardization in Slip Testing

Not long ago, Bloomberg Businessweek put out a great exploratory piece into the complicated and confusing industry of floor safety, design, and standards. What the author and reporter were able to highlight was the decades of challenges the industry has faced to set in place acceptable standards to ensure overall safety. Being in the trenches of the industry myself over the years, I have come to know the players involved and the growing pressures between [...]

How To Use BOT-3000E: Video

This video covers the basic use and operation of the BOT-3000E Digital Tribometer manufactured by Regan Scientific Instruments. This video tutorial provides a discussion of the basic use and features. This is intended help new and novice users learn or refresh their knowledge on how to operate and maintain the device. This video covers the preparation and reconditioning of sensors to be used with [...]

January 29th, 2024|Categories: BOT Training|Tags: , , |0 Comments

Michael Reighn Earns Hard Surface Flooring Inspector Certificate

Moore Engineering Services is happy to announce that our technician, Michael Reighn, has earned his Certificate for Hard Surface Flooring Inspector from Certified Flooring Inspectors University. After hours of training covering industry terms, product problems, and causes of flooring complaints, Reighn can assess the safety and properties of various floor surfaces, such as Luxury Vinyl Tile, laminate, resilient, and solid and engineered wood. Having already completed numerous hours in the field conducting other testing services, [...]

November 10th, 2022|Categories: Testing Services, Walkway Safety|Tags: , , , , , |0 Comments

Scott Moore Earns ASCA-C Certification

Mr. Moore recently obtained his ASCA-C certification. ASCA is an ANSI SDO developing snow and ice management industry specific standards and training materials. Specifically, ASCA’s ANSI A1000 standard provides guidelines for industry accepted practice along with a path for contractors to obtain ISO 9001 and SN 9001 certification. Standards are an important part of advancing many industries and like so many others, snow and ice management benefits from documented standard practice in unifying the industry and [...]

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